Our Products

Solar Home Lighting

We also offer home lighting solutions using solar panels and CFL Lamp or LED lamps, DC fan for lighting and fan applications in rural households.

Wide range of Solar PV Home Lighting Systems with standard and custom built versions. The Standard models generally conforms to MNES specification.

Solar Photovoltaic Principle

Sun light is converted into DC Electricity when it falls on the top surface of the solar cells inside the SPV module by means of direct photovoltaic conversion process. The generated electricity can either be directly used during the sunshine hours or may be stored in storage batteries to be used later. Solar Home Lighting System essentially comprises two solar PV modules/ battery, electronic charge controller, luminaire with built in high frequency inverter, Fan, TV etc.

General Specifications


System voltage      :   12 Volts DC

Composition (12V 20 Ah Battery System)

Model 1

Solar PV module of 18 Wp.

1 No.

12V 20 Ah at C/10 rate Lead Acid Battery

1 No.

CFL-9/11 Luminaire

1 No

Charge Controller

1 No.

Battery Box

1 No.

Module mounting frame suitable for grouting

1 No.

Nuts/Bolts Hardware/Cable

1 Set

Composition (12V 40 Ah Battery System)

Model 2

Model 3

Solar PV module of 37 Wp

1 No.

1 No.

12V 40 Ah at C/10 rate Lead Acid Battery

1 No.

1 No.

CFL -9/11 Luminaries

2 Nos.

1 No.

Charge Controller

1 No.

1 No.

Battery Box

1 No.

1 No.

Module mounting frame suitable for grouting

1 No.

1 No.

DC Fan (With wattage leass than 20 watts


1 No.

Nuts/Bolts Hardware/Cable

1 Set

1 Set

Composition (12V 75 Ah Battery System)

Model 4

Model 5

Solar PV module of 37 Wp.

2 Nos.

2 Nos.

12V 75 Ah at C/10 rate Lead Acid Battery

1 No.

1 No.

CFL -9/11 Luminaries

2 Nos.

4 Nos.

Charge Controller

1 No.

1 No.

Battery Box

1 No.

1 No.

Module mounting frame suitable for grouting

1 No.

1 No.

DC Fan (With wattage leass than 20 watts)

1 No.


DC operated television (Customer to buy himself. It should be preferable 12/14" B&W TV)


1 No. (optional)

Nuts/Bolts Hardware/Cable

1 Set

1 Set

Electrical Specification
Charge Controller In Home Light Luminaire


Max Charging current


Max. Load current


Load disconnect battery voltage

11 ± 0.2 volts or as required

Load reconnect battery voltage

12.5 ± volts or as required

Constant Charging Voltage

14.5 ± 0.2 volts or as required

Idle current consumption

Less than 10ma

Wave shape of inverter : Quasi sine wave/Near sine wave
Frequency of inverter : 20 to 35 KHz
Overall efficiency : 80%
(Including charge controller)

Light Output
600 lumens(Nominal) for each luminaire of CFL 9 lamp and 900 lumens (nominal) for each luminaire of CFL 11 lamp.
Duration of Working :



Hours of Operation


Lights 3-4 Hours


Lights 3-4 Hours


Lights 1-2 Hours Fan 1-2 Hours


Lights 2-3 Hours Fan 2-3 Hours


Lights 3-4 Hours

These hours of operations are under average Solar Radiation conditions of 5 KWH/sqm an horizontal surface. Actual duration of lighting will depend upon solar radiation condition. The average hours of operation per day will be reduced if TV Set is also energised from the system.

SPV Domestic Lighting Systems


PV Modules

15Wp, 20Wp, 37Wp,2x30Wp, 2x35Wp, 2x37Wp. depending upon hours of lighting and type of lamp required.

Lamps Options

CFL 5 / 7 / 9 / 11 Watts

TLD 18 / 20 Watts

Hours of Lighting Options

3 to 12 hours depending upon of lamps and number of lamps.

Battery Options

12V, 2 / 40 / 66 / 75 / 80 Ah Positive tubular plates at C/10 rate.

or 12V 120 Ah Pasted plate battery at C/20 rate.

Or 12V 40 / 65 Ah Sealed Maintenance free battery at C/20 rate.

Or any other as per customer's requirement.

Electronic Options

Charge Controller  :

-  Reverse polarity protection

-  Battery deep discharge protection

-  Battery overcharge protection

Indications  :

-  Charging 'ON'

-  Battery deep discharge

-  Battery overcharge

Luminaire Housing Options

Aluminium / MS / Glass fiber / ABS

Structure Options

Roof Mounting / Pole Mounting